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Building Kotlin Libraries with Gradle Building Kotlin Libraries with Gradle: A Comprehensive GuideThis guide demonstrates how to create a Kotlin library with Gradle using gradle init. You can follow the guide step-by-step to create a new project from scratch or download the complete sample project using the links above.What you'll buildYou'll generate a Kotlin library that follows Gradle's conventions.What you'll needA text editor or IDE - for example IntelliJ IDEAA Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8 or higher - for example AdoptOpenJDKThe latest Gradle distributionCreate a project folderGradle comes with a built-in task, called init, that initializes a new Gradle project in an empty folder. The init task uses the (also built-in) wrapper task to create a Gradle wrapper script, gradlew.The first step is to create a folder for the new project and change directory into it.$ mkdir demo $ cd demoRun the init taskFrom inside the new project directory, run the init task using the following command in a terminal: gradle init. When prompted, select the 2: library project type and 2: Kotlin as the implementation language. Next you can choose the DSL for writing buildscripts - 1 : Kotlin or 2: Groovy. For the other questions, press enter to use the default values.The output will look like this:$ gradle init Select type of build to generate: 1: Application 2: Library 3: Gradle plugin 4: Basic (build structure only) Enter selection (default: Application) [1..4] 2 Select implementation language: 1: Java 2: Kotlin 3: Groovy 4: Scala 5: C++ 6: Swift Enter selection (default: Java) [1..6] 2 Enter target Java version (min: 7, default: 21): Project name (default: demo): Select application structure: 1: Single application project 2: Application and library project Enter selection (default: Single application project) [1..2] 1 Select build script DSL: 1: Kotlin 2: Groovy Enter selection (default: Kotlin) [1..2] Select test framework: 1: JUnit 4 2: TestNG 3: Spock 4: JUnit Jupiter Enter selection (default: JUnit Jupiter) [1..4] Generate build using new APIs and behavior (some features may change in the next minor release)? (default: no) [yes, no] BUILD SUCCESSFUL 1 actionable task: 1 executedThe init task generates the new project with the following structure:├── gradle │ ├── libs.versions.toml │ └── wrapper │ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar │ └── gradle-wrapper.properties ├── gradlew ├── gradlew.bat ├── settings.gradle.kts └── lib ├── build.gradle.kts └── src ├── main │ └── kotlin │ └── demo │ └── Library.kt └── test └── kotlin └── demo └── LibraryTest.ktThe file src/main/kotlin/demo/Library.kt is shown here:Generated src/main/kotlin/demo/Library.kt/* * This source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task */ package demo class Library { fun someLibraryMethod(): Boolean { return true } }The generated test, src/test/kotlin/demo/Library.kt is shown next:Generated src/test/kotlin/demo/LibraryTest.kt/* * This source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task */ package demo import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertTrue class LibraryTest { @Test fun someLibraryMethodReturnsTrue() { val classUnderTest = Library() assertTrue(classUnderTest.someLibraryMethod(), "someLibraryMethod should return 'true'") } }The generated test class has a single kotlin.test test. The test instantiates the Library class, invokes a method on it, and checks that it returns the expected value.More information about the features the java-library plugin adds to any JVM library project, such as API and implementation separation, can be found in the Java Library Plugin documentation.Assemble the library JARTo build the project, run the build task. You can use the regular gradle command, but when a project includes a wrapper script, it is considered good form to use it instead. $ ./gradlew build BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 0s 5 actionable tasks: 5 executedThe first time you run the wrapper script, gradlew, there may be a delay while that version of gradle is downloaded and stored locally in your ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists folder.The first time you run the build, Gradle will check whether or not you already have the required dependencies in your cache under your ~/.gradle directory. If not, the libraries will be downloaded and stored there. The next time you run the build, the cached versions will be used. The build task compiles the classes, runs the tests, and generates a test report.You can view the test report by opening the HTML output file, located at lib/build/reports/tests/test/index.html.You can find your newly packaged JAR file in the lib/build/libs directory with the name lib.jar. Verify that the archive is valid by running the following command:$ jar tf lib/build/libs/lib.jar META-INF/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF lib/ lib/Library.classYou should see the required manifest file —MANIFEST.MF— and the compiled Library class.All of this happens without any additional configuration in the build script because Gradle's java-library plugin assumes your project sources are arranged in a conventional project layout. You can customize the project layout if you wish as described in the user manual.Congratulations, you have just completed the first step of creating a Kotlin library! You can now customize this to your own project needs.Customize the library JARYou will often want the name of the JAR file to include the library version. This is achieved by setting a top-level version property in the build script:KotlinGroovybuild.gradle.ktsversion = "0.1.0"Next to the version, other important identity properties of a library are it's name and group. The name is directly derived from the subproject name that represents the library. It's lib in the example so you probably want to adjust it by changing the name of the lib folder and the corresponding include(…​) statement in the settings.gradle(.kts) file. The group is used to give your library full coordinates when published. You can define it directly in the build script by setting the group property similar to how you set the version (shown above).Now run the jar task:$ ./gradlew jar BUILD SUCCESSFUL 2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-dateYou'll notice that the resulting JAR file at lib/build/libs/lib-0.1.0.jar contains the version as expected.Another common requirement is customizing the manifest file, typically by adding one or more attributes. Let's include the library name and version in the manifest file by configuring the jar task. Add the following to the end of your build script:KotlinGroovybuild.gradle.ktstasks.jar { manifest { attributes(mapOf("Implementation-Title" to project.name, "Implementation-Version" to project.version)) } }To confirm that these changes work as expected, run the jar task again, and this time also unpack the manifest file from the JAR:$ ./gradlew jar $ jar xf lib/build/libs/lib-0.1.0.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MFNow view the contents of the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file and you should see the following:META-INF/MANIFEST.MFManifest-Version: 1.0 Implementation-Title: lib Implementation-Version: 0.1.0Generating Sources JARYou can easily generate a sources JAR for your library:KotlinGroovybuild.gradle.ktsjava { withSourcesJar() }The additional JAR will be produced as part of the assemble or build lifecycle tasks and will be part of the publication. The resulting file is found in lib/build/libs, with a name using the conventional classifier -sources.Publish a Build ScanThe best way to learn more about what your build is doing behind the scenes, is to publish a build scan. To do so, just run Gradle with the --scan flag. class="language-plaintext">$ ./gradlew build --scan BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 0s 5 actionable tasks: 5 executed Publishing a build scan to scans.gradle.com requires accepting the Gradle Terms of Service defined at https://gradle.com/terms-of-service. Do you accept these terms? [yes, no] yes Gradle Terms of Service accepted. Publishing build scan... https://gradle.com/s/5u4w3gxeurtd2Click the link and explore which tasks where executed, which dependencies where downloaded and many more details!SummaryThat's it! You've now successfully configured and built a Kotlin library project with Gradle. You've learned how to:Initialize a project that produces a Kotlin libraryRun the build and view the test reportCustomize the Jar files the build producesNow you could complete this exercise by trying to compile some Kotlin code that uses the library you just built.
Technology: GRADLE , KOTLIN more Category: Mobile
Offline-First Apps : A Smart Choice for Growing Businesses In today's mobile-first world, users expect applications to work seamlessly, regardless of their internet connection. For businesses, especially entrepreneurs aiming to build resilient and user-centric apps, the offline-first approach presents a powerful solution. Offline-first apps are designed to function effectively even without a stable network, storing data locally and syncing it when the connection is available. This approach not only ensures a smoother user experience but also empowers businesses to reach broader markets, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce operational costs. By adopting offline-first architecture, businesses can enhance app reliability, stand out from competitors, and build trust with users who expect fast, uninterrupted access. This article explores why offline-first apps are a valuable asset for entrepreneurs looking to meet these modern user demands and drive business success.Superior Performance with Local Caching:Disruptions in the network can occur anytime, but it should not stop the user from accessing your app, as it may impact retention and engagement. Offline apps can provide a reliable and seamless experience even when connectivity loses stability. By caching data locally on the user's device, they can access features, navigate, and view content even in situations where network connectivity is lost. This means you get to reduce downtime and lag and provide a dependable service to your customers, leading to greater engagement and satisfaction among them. Better Performance and Speedier Load Times:Nobody likes a slow-laggy app, as slow experiences can frustrate users and with multiple options available, it may lead to them immediately switching to another. Offline apps are great at solving this issue by retrieving data directly from local storage instead of from a server. This greatly reduces speed and enhances overall performance., ensuring higher satisfaction and retention among users.Reliable Data Synchronization :An unstable network connection often means multiple synchronization efforts to get the latest status of interactions between the user and the app. To avoid issues and conflicts in the process, offline apps only proceed with synchronization if there is a stable connection. It helps avoid data conflicts and inconsistencies which is essential for entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and operational efficiency.Lower Data Costs and Greater EfficiencyWith minimal server requests, efficient synchronization efforts and enhanced performance through local processing, offline apps significantly reduce operating costs and data dependence, while providing superior performance to your users. These apps cache the data locally including images, documents and user settings, and refuse it for lower data consumption and faster loading times.It limits the need to update too frequently by only sending data only when necessary. This further reduces the load on servers and data infrastructure and saves data for both your users and business. Moreover, your users get the flexibility to schedule data syncing and synchronization as per their convenience whether it's on a timely basis, i.e., daily, weekly etc or based on network connectivity i.e., WiFi only or WiFi and mobile data.Greater Data Reliability:Even when the data is offline, if your users and employees get to access the essential data and functions of the app, you get to create a reliable and secure experience for all parties involved and elevate your app's dependability. Through local data backups and progressive synchronization methods, offline apps support necessary functionality like data collection, order management, or reporting even when network connectivity loses stability or stops working. Additionally, with conflict resolution algorithms in place, users can verify data history through time stamps and version changes that effectively help to minimize errors and inconsistencies.Technical Requirements for Developing Offline Apps:Creating offline-first apps requires specific technical strategies and tools to ensure data storage, synchronization, and performance are optimized for offline use. Here's an overview of key technical requirements:1. Local Data Storage:Offline-first apps rely on storing data locally on the user's device to function without an internet connection. Technologies such as SQLite, Core Data, and Room Database in Android allow apps to store complex data structures. For web apps, IndexedDB and Web Storage APIs are commonly used. This local storage setup ensures that users can access data instantly, and the app functions smoothly even when offline.2.Efficient Caching Mechanisms: Caching is crucial for reducing load times and improving performance. Offline-first apps use caching to store frequently accessed data, allowing the app to load content quickly. Caching libraries, such as Workbox for web and OkHttp for Android, can automate this process by detecting network availability and storing data selectively. Caching strategies like "stale-while-revalidate" also help maintain updated data by refreshing it in the background without disturbing the user experience.3. Background Data Synchronization:Synchronizing data between local storage and the server is essential for consistency. Background sync enables apps to push changes to the server when a stable connection is available. Developers use tools like WorkManager on Android, BackgroundTasks on iOS, and the Background Sync API for web apps to schedule these updates. Synchronization also involves handling potential conflicts when the same data is edited offline on multiple devices, often using strategies like versioning or conflict resolution algorithms.4. Conflict Resolution Mechanism: When users update data offline, conflicts can occur if others modify the same data simultaneously. To handle this, offline-first apps implement conflict resolution strategies such as “last-write-wins,” timestamps, or merging. Advanced methods may even allow users to manually resolve conflicts. This mechanism ensures that data remains accurate and avoids inconsistencies when syncing back to the server, improving app reliability.5. Network Status Detection: Offline-first apps require real-time monitoring of network availability to toggle between online and offline modes seamlessly. Libraries such as Reachability in iOS and ConnectivityManager in Android provide the necessary tools to detect network changes. For web apps, the Network Information API helps in monitoring connection types and quality. This network-awareness capability enables the app to sync data, cache, or store changes only when connectivity is available.6. Progressive Web App (PWA) Technologies for Web Apps:For web-based offline-first apps, building as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with service workers and manifest files is vital. Service workers allow apps to cache and serve resources offline, while manifest files ensure the app can run as a standalone experience, mimicking a native app. PWA technologies also support offline functionalities such as notifications and background syncing, making them essential for offline-first strategies on the web.7. User Feedback on Offline and Sync Status:Providing feedback to users regarding offline status and sync progress enhances the app's usability. User interface components like loading indicators, “Last Synced” timestamps, or offline indicators help users understand when data is available offline or in the process of syncing. This transparency is critical for user trust, as it keeps users informed about the app's connectivity status and data freshness.Each of these requirements works together to create a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly offline-first app, ensuring functionality across various network conditions.Choose Oodles for Developing your Next Mobile AppChoosing us for offline-first app development means partnering with a team that combines deep technical expertise and a focus on business goals to create reliable, user-centric solutions. We specialize in offline-first architecture, implementing efficient caching, local storage, and smart data synchronization to ensure your app performs smoothly in any network condition, enhancing user satisfaction and retention. Our commitment to quality extends beyond development, with ongoing support and updates that keep your app resilient as your business grows. With customized solutions designed to optimize costs and extend reach into low-connectivity markets, we deliver apps that empower businesses to stay ahead and achieve lasting impact.
Technology: ANDROID STUDIO , SWIFT more Category: Mobile
Prisma ORM : Simplifying Database Interactions In the rapidly evolving landscape of application development, efficient and reliable database management is paramount. Prisma ORM emerges as a next-generation data mapping tool, meticulously designed to streamline database interactions, particularly for Node.js and TypeScript environments. Far beyond a traditional Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), Prisma offers a comprehensive toolkit that enhances developer productivity, ensures type safety, and facilitates seamless database operations.Table of ContentsIntroduction to Prisma ORMKey Features of PrismaPrerequisitesStep-by-Step Guide to Using Prisma ORMInstallationDefining Your Data ModelGenerating Prisma ClientPerforming Database OperationsManaging MigrationsBenefits of Using Prisma ORMChallenges and ConsiderationsConclusionFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Introduction to Prisma ORMPrisma ORM revolutionizes the way developers interact with databases by providing a type-safe and intuitive API. It abstracts the complexities of database queries, allowing developers to focus on building robust applications without getting bogged down by intricate SQL syntax. Prisma's modern approach addresses many limitations of traditional ORMs, offering enhanced performance, scalability, and developer experience.Key Features of PrismaType Safety: Ensures that database queries are type-checked at compile time, reducing runtime errors.Intuitive Query Builder: Simplifies complex queries with a fluent and expressive API.Automatic Migrations: Streamlines database schema changes with automated migration scripts.Prisma Studio: A powerful visual interface for managing and exploring your database.Performance Optimization: Efficient query generation and execution for faster data retrieval and manipulation.Comprehensive Documentation: Extensive resources and community support to facilitate learning and troubleshooting.You may also like | Native vs. Hybrid vs. Web | Choosing Mobile App DevelopmentPrerequisitesBefore diving into Prisma ORM, ensure you have the following set up:Node.js and npm (or Yarn): Ensure you have the latest version of Node.js and a package manager like npm or Yarn installed.TypeScript Knowledge: While not mandatory, a basic understanding of TypeScript is highly recommended to leverage Prisma's full potential.Supported Database: Prisma supports several databases, including:PostgreSQLMySQLSQLiteSQL ServerStep-by-Step Guide to Using Prisma ORMInstallationBegin by installing the Prisma CLI globally and initializing a new Prisma project within your directory.Install Prisma CLI Globallynpm install -g prismaInitialize a Prisma ProjectNavigate to your project directory and initialize Prisma:prisma initThis command sets up the necessary Prisma files, including the schema.prisma file where you'll define your data models.Defining Your Data ModelThe schema.prisma file is the heart of your Prisma setup. Here, you define your data models using Prisma's declarative schema language.Example: Defining a User Modelmodel User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) name String? email String @unique } Explanation:id: An integer field that serves as the primary key, automatically incremented.name: An optional string field for the user's name.email: A unique string field ensuring no duplicate email addresses.Also, Check | Cloud-based App Development | A Quintessential GuideGenerating Prisma ClientPrisma Client is an auto-generated, type-safe query builder tailored to your schema. It allows seamless interaction with your database.Pull Existing Database Schema (Optional)If you already have a database, you can introspect it to generate the corresponding Prisma schema:npx prisma db pullGenerate Prisma ClientGenerate the Prisma Client based on your schema:npx prisma generate Performing Database OperationsWith Prisma Client generated, you can now perform various database operations in your application code.Example: Creating and Retrieving a Userconst { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client'); const prisma = new PrismaClient(); async function main() { // Create a new user const newUser = await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Yogesh', email: '[email protected]', }, }); console.log('User Created:', newUser); // Retrieve the created user by email const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email: '[email protected]', }, }); console.log('Retrieved User:', user); } main() .catch((e) => { throw e; }) .finally(async () => { await prisma.$disconnect(); }); Explanation:Creating a User: Uses prisma.user.create to add a new user to the database.Retrieving a User: Uses prisma.user.findUnique to fetch the user based on the unique email field.Error Handling: Catches and throws errors, ensuring the Prisma Client disconnects gracefully.\You may also like | Cross-platform Mobile App DevelopmentManaging MigrationsPrisma Migrate handles your database schema changes, ensuring your database evolves alongside your application.Create and Apply MigrationsAfter defining or modifying your data models, run:prisma migrate dev --name init Replace init with a descriptive name for your migration. This command creates the migration files and applies them to your database.Review Migration HistoryPrisma keeps track of migration history, allowing you to manage and revert changes as needed.Benefits of Using Prisma ORMSimplicity and Developer ProductivityPrisma's intuitive API and automated client generation significantly reduce the boilerplate code required for database interactions. Developers can write cleaner, more readable code, focusing on business logic rather than intricate query syntax.Type SafetyBy leveraging TypeScript, Prisma enforces type safety at compile time. This eliminates a class of runtime errors related to type mismatches, enhancing code reliability and maintainability.Improved Data ModelingPrisma's declarative schema provides a single source of truth for your database structure. This unified approach simplifies data modeling, making it easier to visualize and manage complex relationships between data entities.Efficient MigrationsPrisma Migrate automates the process of evolving your database schema. It generates migration scripts based on schema changes, ensuring consistency and reducing the potential for human error during database updates.Enhanced Developer ExperiencePrisma Studio offers a visual interface for exploring and managing your database. It simplifies tasks such as data inspection, editing, and debugging, fostering collaboration and accelerating development workflows.Also, Discover | iOS App Development | Understanding its FundamentalsChallenges and ConsiderationsLearning CurveWhile Prisma simplifies many aspects of database management, there is an initial learning curve associated with understanding its schema language and tooling ecosystem.Limited Support for NoSQL DatabasesPrisma primarily focuses on relational databases. Developers working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB may find Prisma's support limited compared to other ORMs tailored for NoSQL environments.Performance OverheadsIn some scenarios, the abstraction layer introduced by Prisma may introduce performance overheads. It's essential to profile and optimize queries, especially for high-performance applications.Maturity and CommunityAlthough Prisma has a rapidly growing community and robust documentation, it may not yet match the maturity and extensive community support of more established ORMs like Sequelize or TypeORM.Also, Explore | Hybrid App Development | An Introductory GuideConclusionPrisma ORM stands out as a powerful and modern tool for managing database interactions in Node.js and TypeScript applications. Its emphasis on type safety, developer productivity, and seamless integration with modern development workflows addresses many of the pain points associated with traditional ORMs. By providing an intuitive schema language, automated migrations, and a type-safe client, Prisma empowers developers to build scalable and maintainable applications with ease. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, Prisma is poised to become an indispensable asset in the developer's toolkit, driving efficiency and innovation in database management.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)What is Prisma ORM?Prisma ORM is a modern data mapping tool that simplifies database interactions for developers. It provides a type-safe and intuitive API for querying and manipulating databases, primarily focusing on Node.js and TypeScript environments.How does Prisma differ from traditional ORMs?Unlike traditional ORMs that often rely on complex and error-prone query builders, Prisma offers a declarative schema language, type safety through TypeScript, and automated client generation. This results in cleaner, more maintainable code and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors.Which databases does Prisma support?Prisma supports several relational databases, including:PostgreSQLMySQLSQLiteSQL ServerAdditionally, Prisma has experimental support for MongoDB, catering to NoSQL database needs.What are Prisma Migrate and Prisma Studio?Prisma Migrate: A tool for managing and automating database schema migrations. It generates and applies migration scripts based on changes in your Prisma schema.Prisma Studio: A visual interface for interacting with your database. It allows you to explore, edit, and manage your data without writing SQL queries.Is Prisma suitable for large-scale applications?Yes, Prisma is designed to handle large-scale applications. Its efficient query generation, type safety, and robust migration system make it suitable for both small projects and enterprise-level applications. However, it's essential to monitor performance and optimize queries as needed.Can Prisma be used with frameworks other than Node.js?Prisma is primarily built for Node.js and TypeScript environments. While it may be possible to integrate Prisma with other ecosystems, its tooling and client generation are optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript applications.How does Prisma ensure type safety?Prisma generates a Prisma Client based on your schema, which includes TypeScript types for all models and fields. This ensures that any database queries you write are type-checked at compile time, preventing type-related runtime errors.What is the Prisma Client?The Prisma Client is an auto-generated, type-safe query builder tailored to your Prisma schema. It allows you to perform CRUD operations and complex queries on your database with ease, leveraging TypeScript's type system for enhanced reliability.How do I handle database migrations with Prisma?Prisma handles migrations through the Prisma Migrate tool. After defining or updating your data models in the schema.prisma file, you run migration commands (e.g., prisma migrate dev) to generate and apply migration scripts to your database, ensuring schema consistency.Can Prisma be integrated with existing databases?Yes, Prisma can introspect existing databases to generate the corresponding Prisma schema. By using the prisma db pull command, Prisma can analyze your current database structure and create a Prisma schema that reflects it, facilitating integration with existing systems.What resources are available for learning Prisma?Prisma offers comprehensive resources to help you get started and master the tool:Prisma Documentation: Detailed guides, tutorials, and API references.Prisma Blog: Articles on best practices, updates, and case studies.Prisma GitHub Repository: Source code, issue tracking, and community contributions.Prisma Community: Forums, Slack channels, and other community-driven support platforms.Prisma ORM exemplifies the fusion of modern development practices with robust database management. By prioritizing type safety, developer experience, and efficient tooling, Prisma empowers developers to build scalable, reliable, and maintainable applications with confidence. If you are looking to build your project using emerging technologies, consider connecting our skilled app developers to get started.
Technology: JAVA , REACT NATIVE more Category: Blockchain

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